Music is Fun!

Take note of this.

powered paragliding

source: “lounge lizard (345/365)” by Tim Pierce is licensed underCC BY 2.0

Quick Overview

This short tutorial teaches anyone notes on a keyboard.

No prior musical knowledge required.

Just grab a piano, electronic keyboard or a draw a picture of black and white notes like a keyboard.

child playing piano

source: “Étape 3 : se lancer”by Loïc is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Getting Started

Full rigs can start at $10k retail. You need the paramotor and parachute. Depending on the weather conditions, having gloves and layers of clothing might be needed. The constant wind during flight, plus the elevation of altitude, you can get cold during flights.

Training averages around $2.5k. Some training you'll have a 15 flights due in 60 days before you are considered ready for flight. With the training, some trainers let you use their equipment to learn on.

To the right is an example flight plan. You can see the takeoff is heading upwind. This is how you keep the parachute inflated with air to get the lift you need to get you off the ground.

wind and flight path

source: footflyer

ppg fly over water

“lounge lizard (345/365)” byTim Pierce is licensed underCC BY 2.0

Pros & Cons

  • Pro - Take off from any flat surface
  • Pro - Cheap and license free to begin flying
  • Pro - Parachute all you want
  • Con - There are areas that are restricted for flight
  • Con - Expensive equipment to get started
  • Con - Weather does dictate flight plans
wind and flight path

source: pxleyes